Open source eCommerce

So good, it's easy to setup- yet, stunningly complete. Design appealing product pages with one of the best page builder on the market. Then, from marketing to operations, enjoy the simplicity of a unified platform.
Get Started now

No code Mode

AI-based website builder. Your perfect online store should be easy to create and maintain. Generate it in no time using dedicated business themes, and design stylish product pages by drag-and-dropping building blocks.

Product is king

Adaptive products

Your products are as unique as your clients: display their many facets by configuring sizes, colors, and other variants.

Automated stock management

Stock is updated for each variant in real time.

Upselling and cross-selling

Effortlessly bump up revenue and retention.

Bump up loyalty, maximize revenues

Stronger relationships. Just because your shop is online doesn't mean you can't connect with your customers: chat with them in real time and help them find their next best buy, and display reviews to build trust.

Your store in the spotlight

Sustainable growth. Odoo is designed to help you reach just the right audience and scale up as you go. Use the built-in dashboard to build advanced reports and cross-check data.

All the features done right.

Payment providers

A variety of payment options.

Domain name

Free for 1 year


With other marketplaces (Amazon, Facebook…)

Click and collect

Let clients shop online and pick up the orders at the store.


Deliver one-time codes by SMS to identify signatories when signing a document.

Shipping option

Define the order of signing, where recipients are only notified when it is their turn to sign.